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Cavapoo on a Boat Ride in the Sun!


Teddy and Ellie are just over a year old now. They are by far the best dogs ever. I can't imagine my life without them in it. They sleep in my bed every night and sleep in with me in the mornings. Ellie makes some really weird noises when she dreams. The family joke is that they are my little shadows. Thank you so much for giving me these wonderful dogs. They have really become part of the family!

the Normans

P.S. I'm sorry I sent you so many pictures but they are my favorite things to photograph! This is just the tip of the iceberg!

goldendoodle breeder
Pampered Pets quality F1, F1b and multigen Goldendoodles, mini goldendoodles and Cavapoo puppies

We see clients by appointment only. Some days we can be very busy so make sure you contact us to make an appointment!


​Telephone : ​706-353-7222

Cell: 706-247-5325
Address: 131 Bradley Dr. Hull, GA 30646 (Visits by appointment only please)


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